How To Pick A House To Flip [Beginner’s Guide]

Flipping houses can actively generate a good income source, if you know how to do it. That’s why it makes a lot of sense to find the right methods you can use to flip a house. With that in mind, here are some of the ideas to take into consideration.

Find neighborhoods with houses to flip

The idea is to do your research properties for sale and see where you can find the best houses. There will always be challenges as you find the best houses, but there are definitely lots of options to take into consideration most of the time. Just see what’s available at the moment.

Use the 70% rule

The idea here is that you should only pay roughly 70% of the after repair value of the property. So you do want to ensure that you always avoid overpaying. If a price is too much and the margins are not there, it’s better to just walk away.

Getting financing for your house to flip

Financing a house is a bit tricky, but ideally you want to have a low down payment if possible. With that in mind, getting preapproved for a loan can take time, so you do want to get started early on, just to ensure that everything is ok and that there are no issues.

Build some equity

Sweat equity in particular is great. This is mostly about the unpaid labor you are adding into the project, be it mental or physical labor. Building up sweat equity is a bit of a challenge at first, but it’s one of the things you really want to keep in mind.

Are any properties suitable for flipping?

The main focus when you buy a property to flip is to not buy it at the market price. Try to go for less expensive properties that need some work. That work will end up costing you way less when compared to a house that’s already repaired. Which is why most houses to flip are actually those that are quite damaged and in need of repairs.

We highly recommend taking your time and avoiding any rush as you try to narrow down what house is ideal for flipping. It does take some trial and error, but at the end of the day it does take time as you find a good property to flip. Remember that there are plenty of costs, from your financial investment to your time investment as well. Take all of that into account when you sell the property, while assessing the current market prices!